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Czochralski process

IC Fabrication

  • Silicon ingots of single crystal are pulled from a crucible melt of pure molten polycrystalline silicon - Czochralski process.

  • The growth of Czochralski crystal involves the solidification of atoms from a liquid phase at an interface.

  • Controlled amount of impurities are added to the melt to provide the crystal with the required electrical properties.

  • The crystal orientation is determined by a seed crystal that is dipped into the melt to initiate single crystal growth.

  • The melt is contained in quartz crucible , which is surrounded by the graphite radiator.

  • The silicon is melted at temperature above 1425 degree C

  • After the seed is dipped into the melt , the seed is gradually withdrawn vertically from the melt while simultaneously being rotated.

  • The molten polycrystalline silicon melts the tip of the seed and refreezing occurs.

  • The melt freezes gradually by decreasing temperature and it assumes the single crystal form of the seed.

  • The diameter of the ingot is determined by the seed withdrawal rate and the seed rotation rate.

  • Dopants
    • Adding boron makes p type silicon

    • Adding phosphorous makes n type silicon

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